When asking Lily (4)and Freddie (2) about Auntie Carol, Lily said “auntie carol gives us new toys and books; like the tickle monster book and my pretty unicorn dress and the counting game, she also bought Freddie his superman that he wears all the time” Beth: Auntie carol was a giver she loved to bless our children with new things which they have had lots of enjoyment from. Auntie carol blessed our family in lots of ways and I agree with lily she was lady that gave. She gave her time and often checked in on us via texting. One thing that always amazed me is how she NEVER forgot a birthday, anniversary or celebration always sending cards to make others feel special I really admired this about auntie carol. I remember the first time meeting Carol she made me feel at such ease with her lovely smile and gentle approach. A really happy memory we share is when Auntie carol, bram and Caitlyn came for afternoon tea at our house 2020. Nathan: I have so many great memories from family holidays and get togethers through our child hood, a fond memory of a family trip to sidholme when an older lady asked Carol if she ate bones but in particular The belly laugh as Carol re told this story again and again in the years that followed. Her laugh was infectious. Auntie carol was a genuinely kind and caring person with a massive heart you never heard her moan or say a negative word about others. We will miss her greatly.